• In Reino Animal we preserve more than 1,400 specimens of fauna of more than 130 species from all over the world.
  • The park has 52 hectares reserved for the conservation of flora and fauna.
  • In addition, we have an area of 90 hectares focused on the production of food from our herbivorous specimens.
  • We planted more than 5,000 trees and bushes within the park, the main local species, with the purpose of favoring micro ecosystems.
  • We have an annual reforestation program in which we collaborate with the Secretariat of Environment of the State of Mexico to guard, care for, plant and monitor more than 30,000 trees in the park and surrounding areas.
  • We generate 300 tons of compost per year from the organic waste generated in our daily operations.
  • We developed the sustainable architecture modality, in which we use a large part of recycled materials, such as train sleepers (more than 3,000) and recovered telephone poles (more than 500).
  • We are the natural reserve of 5 species of migratory birds that visit us every year. With us, they find shelter and food.
  • We are also the refuge of many local wildlife species that contribute to maintaining a healthy ecosystem. These species include cacomixtles, bats, red-tailed eagles, squirrels, rabbits, zinc snakes, owls, among many others.